Saturday, January 9, 2010

Crazy 4 Challenges - C4C19

Hi everyone,

Welcome to the Crazy 4 Challenges blog.

Before we get to today's challenge etc, I wanted to clarify a query we have had re our sponsors and prizes. During 2009 we only gave away one prize a month, with this competition being the 1st Saturday of the month. Whoever our sponsor was for this prize was featured as our sponsor for the whole month .... hence we might have mentioned them in our blog post even if there was no prize to be won. This year 2010 we are hoping to offer a prize twice a month when available, to this end we will be having 2 sponsors a month. One in the first two weeks of the month and the second sponsor in the final two weeks. The prizes will be offered on the 1st & 3rd Saturday's of the month only with the winner announced in the blog post of the following week. I hope this clarifies everything for those who have been asking. - Frances

Good Saturday Morning all you C4C lovers out there!!

I am so super excited to be the January Hostess!! I hope you all enjoyed last week's challenge. Judging by the number of participants (wow, the most in C4C history) I think it safe to say...I am NOT the only one CRAZY for POLKA DOTS!!! Thank you all for your Polka Dot FUN creations!!

The winner of last weeks prize is: # 30 Traci Major
Thank You Bunches Betsy of Innovative Stamps Creations for your generosity!!

I LOVE January...all the Fresh New Beginnings, Fun Resolutions...Oh and my Favorite Thing about this month...It's my Birth Month!! So this entire month you will see challenges based on my favorite things!!

Since, Tuesday is my BIG DAY, I decided to challenge you all to create a card/project with a birthday theme!! What a great time to get a head start on all your 2010 Birthdays!!


If you would like to play along all you have to do is create a card/project and upload it to your blog and/or to your SCS Gallery using the keyword C4C19. Don't forget to come back here and link it on Mr Linky so that everyone else can see it too.

Lori Boyd - By LORi Designs

Jessie-Can You Say Addicted To Stamps?

Joycelyn Turner - Stamps 'n' Coffee

Lynda Benden ~ Stamp Act

Vicki Garrett-Summerthyme Studio


Silli said...

wonderful cards ladys... Thanks for all the inspirations... Happy weekend...

Heidi Karpen said...

Thanks for the challenge- it's been hard to move past the holidays and this was just the inspiration I needed!

Lois said...

Thanks for the theme of this challenge. I always need birthday cards! Beautiful samples from the DT.

Carol L said...

Thanks for another great challenge ladies - as it turns out, I needed more birthday cards added to my stash, so this worked out perfectly!

Traci M said...

Wow, I won!! What fun, thank you so much!!
This next challenge looks fun also, always need birthday cards and the design teams' creations are exceptional!! So glad I found this site through a friend on the DT!!

Elena said...

Thank you so much for the great challenge! It's just right in time - I needed a Birthday card! :)

stampingwithlulu said...

Ahhhh, just what I needed. I enjoyed this week's challenge. Love the example cards, ladies :)

Unknown said...

amazing samples again this week, ladies!

Annette Bowes said...

Happy New Year Girls, wonderful creations by you all, great challenge, take careX:)

Anonymous said...

Here is my birthdaycard- for you!

my card

Monique said...

Great cards ladies :) Thanks for the Challenge...Hope you have a Wonderful Birthday Lori :)

Michelle said...

Thank you for the challenge and its the first one i've entered!

Happy Birthday!


Ann Schach said...

Wonderful inspiration cards this week!

Patricia Rose said...

What beautiful DT cards... thanks for the wonderful inspiration.
Patricia Rose

Caryl P said...

I didn't have a SINGLE birthday card left in the house, thanks for the challenge!

Rhonda said...

This is my first time here and I will be back. Thank you so much for this challenge. The DT cards are great!

Silke Ledlow said...

Gorgeous samples ladies!!!

As always...I had fun playing along!!! Happy Birthday Lori!!! Hope you are having a fun one!!! Hugs ~S~

Maria@Crafty Cre8tions said...

Horray!!! I participated in C4C 1 and now I'm FINALLY back for C4C 19!!
Hopefully I'll get to play more often in 2010!!

Saskia said...

Great challenge and lovely DT-work! Thanks!

Saskia :)

uniqu3scrapper said...

thank you for the challenge. I needed to build my birthday stash

Anonymous said...

Hi Girls, Fab challenge! really enjoyed this one, great dt cards this week
love emma xxx

Life Full of Sunflowers said...

Great challenge - Happy Belated Birthday Lori - I hope you had a great one !!!!

Big Mamma~ a.k.a. Mary S said...

Hope you had a great birthday. Big Mamma want you to see what she made. Stop on over.

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 on my SCS Gallery said...

Hi everyone! Thanks for the Challenge - I had a blast. Gorgeous DT samples too :-)

Minxy said...

Thanks for the challenge Here is my effort

Unknown said...

i love the DT cards here! they are beautiful! all of them! linking up my card now, thanks for the challenge!

KanataNewf said...

thanks for this week's challenge - a friend who celebrates in february will be getting the card I made!

Pat (mspfd) said...

Thanks for a great challenge and wonderful samples.

I see Mr. Linky is back. Unfortunately, my first link did not work, since I was unable to correct the URL, I used Mr. Linky A second time to post the correct URL. Sorry for the inconvenience.

Beverly G said...

Hope you had a wonderful Birthday!Great turn out this week, lots of good inspiration here.

Mel X said...

Great challenge, must join in here more often!! My cards with Mr Linky

Mel X

Vicky said...

Mr. Linky is currently down. I can't link my card. Maybe you should check another really stable and free tool called InLinkz. It's fully customizable and even supports thumbnail links instead of just text links. Check it out