Saturday, April 4, 2020

Crazy 4 Challenges - C4C529

Helloooo Crazy Fans!!!

This is Nicky and I am April’s host here on Crazy4Challenges, and I am sooo excited. 
I found an amazingly talented guest designer to join us this month, her name is Meghan Kennihan and you can find her amazing cards on her blog madebymeghank 

On to the challenge!!!!!
April is Autism Awareness month. I believe this is such an important message as I’m sure most of us know or love someone who is on the Autism Spectrum and sharing is caring, so this weeks challenge is to use the Autism Awareness Logo as inspiration, it could be a colour challenge, theme challenge or design Challenge, however this image speaks to you. 

Meghan Kennihan- Made by Meghan K

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Maryann Einam Stamping on Greens

Nicky Foden My Messy Craftroom

Amy - AO Creations

Karen Ostergard - Craftily Yours

Kathleen Adams - Crazy For Paper

Tracey Farr - By Farr Studio


  1. Fantastic cards, each and every one.

  2. Great challenge. I will try to join in as my youngest grand daughter is on the autism spectrum.
    It would be helpful if you put the closing date on the end of the post as the linky doesn't. Thank you.


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