Saturday, August 13, 2011

Crazy 4 Challenges C4C100

Hi everyone and welcome to the Crazy 4 Challenges blog. It's challenge time again! Can you believe we are already up to challenge #100, where does the time go! It only seems like yesterday that we started this challenge blog and it is almost 2 years ago.

Our challenge this week is Monochromatic Coloring. This technique is becoming more and more popular when coloring an image, using just the one color family (normally grays)
Of course monochromatic doesn't have to be grays, you can use any color you like as long as that is the only color you use for your image.

Check out Created by Katie Cotton's blog if you need more help on how to create this look.

If you decide to play along with us, all you have to do is create a card/project and upload it to your blog and/or to your SCS Gallery using the keyword C4C100. Don't forget to come back here and link it on Mr Linky so that everyone else can see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies have come up with this week.......

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Silke Kittmann ~~~ S I L L I

Mr Linky


  1. Great work DT! Hope my card is monochromatic enough : )

  2. Love the designer work. So many lovely cards.


  3. Thank you girls, lovely challenge and dt work. Debbiexx

  4. thank you for a fabulous challenge, i love monochromatic designs and the DT creations are stunning:)


  5. Thank you for the inspiration from the design team. Really nice work.

    xx Yvonne.

  6. well, I really didn't have to color my card - but it's monochromatic!

  7. Gorgeous cards by the DT! Hugs, dj1952

  8. Love this monochromatic idea, thanks for the great challenge!

  9. Great idea for a card...thanks for the inspiration.

  10. What a great challenge, I love the bingo challenges Thanks


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