Saturday, January 8, 2011

Crazy4Challenges C4C69

Hey it's that time again! It's me, Maria, back with another challenge! Hope you are all having a fabulous Saturday! Are you ready to be challenged? Well, this week I decided that a color inspiration challenge would be fun. I found a photo with colors I really liked. I just thought it was a pretty picture so this week's challenge is to create a card using the colors in the photo inspiration.

If you would like to play along with us, all you have to do is create a card/project, and upload it to your blog and/or to your SCS Gallery using the keyword C4C69. Don't forget to come back here and link it on Mr Linky so that everyone else can see it too.

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Silli ~~~ Silke Kittmann

Lynda Benden ~ Stamp Act

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Joycelyn Pelkey - Stamps 'n' Coffee

Silke Ledlow ~ My Life

Joanne Grzelak -- Inky Ocean Gazer

Tammy Hershberger - Stamp Happy

Mr Linky


Liz Williams said...

Wow, DT these examples are lovely. I ooohhed and ahhhhed over everyone of them.

Sharon said...

Lots of inspiration from the DT cards! And love the colours in the pic of chandeliers.

Wanda Cullen said...

Great picture for inspiration and thanks to all for the wonderful samples!

catz said...

These are my fav colors too.....always been a pink fan! Thanks for the fun....Teresa

CarrollAnn (~CA~) said...

The colors reminded me of the color scheme of this site! Great inspiration photo, and I love all the samples!!

Heather said...

love the photo and great inspiration for a card that i made for my mom today

Anonymous said...

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave today [09 Jan 01:00am GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Dangina Martinez said...

Awesome picture to work with!
Lovely cards DT!

Hugs, Dangina

Tash Daly said...

Hi there, I am new to this site but this was a fun picture to work with. The DT cards are all so gorgeous too. Thanks for a fun challenge.

Debs M said...

mr linky is not working??

here is my card

hope you will accept this entry x

ecila said...

Hi, it's my first time here. Thanks for a challenge;)

Melissa S. said...

I so enjoy stopping by and joing in the Challenge here. Great job to all the Design Team Members.

Susie W. said...

Love the inspiration photo!!! Thanks for another great challenge :)

Heidi said...

Thanks for the fun inspiration! Great cards from the DT!

Marilyn (stampwithMJ) said...

Wonderful creations by the DT!

Vintage Milly said...

Gorgeous photo for inspiration as well as the fab DT cards,

Donna said...

Just LOVE this color inspiration many beautiful shades of pink!

Paula said...

Great photo - it's the first pink card I've made for ages which is unusual for me! Great challenge!

Paula. x

Susie W. said...

Great inspiration photo! I'm playing along!!!

Stephanie said...

Lovely color inspiration!!! Pinks and browns, just like your blog are my absolute favorite!

K. Joy said...

Thanks for the challenge! What beautiful cards from the DT! I love pink. :)

Unknown said...

Love the inspirational picture. Very beautiful. Had fun creating my card for this challenge.

Debbie said...

Thank you for a lovely challenge girls, dt work is super. Debbiexx

Anonymous said...

Awesome challenge with the inspiration photo, loved the DT examples!

Runnergirl Creations said...

Great DT cards! Thanks for the fantastic challenge!

Pretty Paper Junkie said...

I love these colors. The DT created some beautiful cards. Thanks for the challenge.

Happyone or South Coast Sheila said...

Love the pic for this challenge, so had to try my hand at it.
Hugs, Sheila B

marsha said...

Love the colors in your photo - thanks for the challenge!

Priya Sivaraj said...

lovely colors!! njoyed working with it

Beverley said...

WOW...great challenge...the DT had fabulous cards...and the enteries were also fantastic...TFS.

stampin' HUGZ

VIV SAWYER said...

Happy to be doing this challenge. have a nice week.

Unknown said...

Linked another card to this lovely challenge.

Ingrid Marie EK said...

I've tried like a hundred times to put my card in Mr.Linky, but it didn't work!
I think I tried it at friday...
Well, if you read this post, here's the link to my card:

-Ingrid Marie

Anonymous said...

Dt's your samples are looking very simple but attractive ,I like the picture you added in here and the little details you have put in it.....
print membership cards
Pvc cards

talha said...

These cards have unique designs specially the first two,all are great.

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Plastic Card
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