Saturday, February 28, 2015

Crazy4Challenges - C4C275

Hey Peeps!!!  This is the last week for my Hostessing.... I'd like to thank Holly Tracy for joining us!  Isn't she FABULOUSLY Talented??!!!!!

Well today we will celebrate the 2 Zodiac signs of February... Aquarius and Pisces.  They have something in common... both are water signs!  Guess what that means.... Yes, I fell off a ship when my Royal family was traveling abroad.  LOL

SO, let's all make a card with a water scene!!!

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Raquel Mason - Raquel's Stampin' Blog

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer


Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Peggy McCurry~Artfulljourney

Danielle - Fat Cat Stamper

Don't forget to add the link to your card so we can all see your creation!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, February 21, 2015

Crazy4Challenges - C4C274

Hey Peeps!!!!  

It's Sketch week this week!  I hope you have enjoyed yourselves so far!!!!  This week, create a card for this sketch that I drew with my little hands and Frances made all fancy for me!!! :)  Love that Frances!!!!!  

Now remember you can take creative license with the sketch but it needs to be identifiable in your card, so flip it, twist it or go inside out!  LOL  Let's see what you have!!! 

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Joanne Grze;al -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Lynn Put - The Queen's Scene

Peggy McCurry~Artfulljourney

Saturday, February 14, 2015

Crazy4Challenges - C4C273

Hello Peeps!!!!!  Well, did you have fun getting in touch with your Royal side???  lol  Well guess what....

This week we will celebrate Amethyst, the birth stone for February.... Purple, is also my favorite color and of course it IS the color of Royalty.... just sayin'!!!!

Let's create ANOTHER Valentine's Day card.  I personally have more than one to make so we will keep my ball rolling and just maybe I'll even get them mailed!

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Saturday, February 7, 2015

Crazy4Challenges - C4C272

Hello Peeps!  It's me KJ, I'm your hostess this month!!!!  I have a Special Guest Designer for you all to drool over, it's Holly Tracy of The Paper Mints

For this weeks challenge we will be celebrating my obsession with The Royals.  In case you haven't heard, I'm SURE I was lost when a child and am originally a Royal Heiress.... alas, I continue to wait for my family to find me and live my happy little pauper life!  ;)

February 6, 1952, Elizabeth was crowned Queen Elizabeth II.  SO, I want to challenge you to create a card fit for a Queen.  I'm thinking a Royal Crown kind of card.... so bling that baby up!  Let's get a head start on Valentines cards and make it a Blingy Queeny Valentines card! :)

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Raquel Mason - Raquel's Stampin' Blog

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Holly Tracy Guest Designer


Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Peggy~ Artfulljourney

Lynn Put - The Queen's Scene

Danielle Lounds - Fat Cat Stamper