Saturday, December 13, 2014

Crazy4Challenges - C4C266

Hi, everyone! Heather P. here again with this week's challenge.  I'm a Christmas baby, and I can't tell you how many times I heard "Happy Merry Birthday Christmas" growing up. Haha... So, for this week's challenge, I'd like you to create a winter themed birthday card. 

If you would like to play along with us this week, upload your card/project to your blog/SCS Gallery, using the keyword C4C266.  Then pop back here and link it on Inlinkz so we can see it too! :)

Now let's see what the "Crazies" came up with this week.....

Heather P. - Witty Title Here

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Holly Flores - KopyKat Creations (December Guest Designer)

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Peggy McCurry~ Artfulljourney

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Crazy4Challenges - C4C265

Hi, everyone! Heather P. here... It's the beginning of a new month, which means it's time for a new set of challenges, as well as a new hostess! ( Me. :) )

Before we get onto today's challenge we also need to introduce this month's Guest Designer which is Holly Flores - KopyKat Creations .  Thanks Holly for playing along with us this month.

Anyone who knows me knows I am a sucker for fun color combinations (and heat embossing! haha).  For this week's challenge, I'd like you to create cards based on the color scheme in the photo below:

If you would like to play along with us, upload your card/project to your blog or to your SCS Gallery, using the keyword C4C265. Pop back here and link it on Inlinkz so that we can all see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies" came up with this week .......

Heather P. - Witty Title Here

Holly Flores - KopyKat Creations (December Guest Designer)

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Danielle Lounds - Fat Cat Stamper

Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Don't forget to add the link to your card so we can all see your creation!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, November 29, 2014

Crazy4Challenges - C4C264

Hi everyone,

It's Frances here again and I am back with one last challenge for November.

Apparently today is Square Dance Day, so to celebrate let’s get those square cards, dies etc out! Bonus points if you incorporated Dancing somehow on your card as well. 

If you would like to play along with us, upload your card/project to your blog or to your SCS Gallery, using the keyword C4C264. Pop back here and link it on Inlinkz so that we can all see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies" came up with this week ........

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Kristine-Stamping and Scraping in CA

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Tanya Adams - Studio 5380 (November Guest Designer)

Peggy McCurry~ Artfulljourney

Danielle Lounds - Fat Cat Stamper

Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Saturday, November 22, 2014

Crazy4Challenges - C4C263

Hi everyone and happy Saturday!

It's challenge time again and I (Frances) am back with another challenge for you all.

Yesterday was World Hello Day … So for our challenge this week let’s create a card that says “Hello”. Bonus points if your card shows some way that we can say Hello … eg by using speech bubbles on your card, using a phone stamp/die; using letters/envelopes on your card; Image of someone sending or delivering mail; saying Hello is different languages etc. 

If you would like to play along with us, upload your card/project to your blog or to your SCS Gallery, using the keyword C4C263. Pop back here and link it on Inlinkz so that we can all see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies" came up with this week ........

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Kristine-Stamping and Scraping in CA

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Tanya Adams - Studio 5380 (November Guest Designer)

Peggy McCurry~Artfulljourney

Danielle Lounds - Fat Cat Stamper

Saturday, November 15, 2014

Crazy4Challenges - C4C262

Hi Crazy Fans,

It's the third Saturday of the month which means it is Sketch Challenge time! Frances has a fun sketch for our to use for our challenge this week. 

If you would like to play along with us, upload your card/project to your blog or to your SCS Gallery, using the keyword C4C262. Pop back here and link it on Inlinkz so that we can all see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies" came up with this week ........

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Kristine-Stamping and Scraping in CA

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Anja de Regt - Stampinganja

Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Tanya Adams - Studio 5380 (November Guest Designer)

Peggy McCurry~ Artfulljourney

Danielle Lounds - Fat Cat Stamper

Don't forget to add the link to your card so we can all see your creation!

The collection has closed. Let other people know about it through twitter.

Saturday, November 8, 2014

Crazy4Challenges - C4C261

Hi everyone,

It's Frances here and I am back today with another fun challenge for us all ...

Number It .... Include a number or numbers on your creations this week. You can make an aged birthday card; number themed designer paper, number themed embossing folders or dies. Anything goes as long as there is a number somewhere! 

If you would like to play along with us, upload your card/project to your blog or to your SCS Gallery, using the keyword C4C261. Pop back here and link it on Inlinkz so that we can all see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies" came up with this week ........

Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Joanne Grzelak -- The Inky Ocean Gazer

Tanya Adams - Studio 5380 (November Guest Designer)

Kristine-Stamping and Scraping in CA

Karen Aicken - Altered Scrapbooking

Anja de Regt -  Stampinanja

Peggy McCurry~ Artfulljourney

Danielle Lounds - Fat Cat Stamper