Saturday, August 27, 2011

Crazy 4 Challenges C4C102

Hi everyone and welcome to the Crazy 4 Challenges blog.

Before we get into today's challenge we need to announce the winner of last week's sponsored challenge which was sponsored by Flourishes. The winner is catherine Congratulations, please contact Frances at crazy4challenges at hotmail dot com so we can arrange your prize.

It's my (Frances') last challenge for the month and as it's Father's Day down under next Sunday, I decided we should create Male themed cards this week. Of course they don't have to be Father's Day related, just as long as they suit a male.

If you decide to play along with us, all you have to do is create a card/project and upload it to your blog and/or to your SCS Gallery using the keyword C4C102. Don't forget to come back here and link it on Mr Linky so that everyone else can see it too.

Now let's see what the "Crazies have come up with this week.......

Barbara Anders - Paper Pursuits

Vicki Garrett-Summerthyme Studio


Frances Byrne - StampOwl's Studio

Lynda Benden ~ Stamp Act

Tammy Hershberger - Stamp Happy

Mr Linky


Stephanie (Arty Carty) Lee said...

who is the winner of c4c101?? the name is missing from your announcement.

Stephanie (Arty Carty) Lee said...

Congrats to Catherine!!! Enjoy your stamps..

CarrollAnn (~CA~) said...

Great challenge! Love the examples!!

Melody said...

Thanks for a fun challenge!!

Faith A at Daffodil Cards said...

Great inspirational cards, hope you like mine.

Sharon Basel said...

Fabulous samples from the very talented design team. Thanks for a great challenge.

Turtle In The Sand said...

Just found this Challenge. What a Great Design Team inspirations. Thanks for the opportunity to see so many beautiful creations.

Mary Marsh said...

awesome samples from the design team

Cheryl said...

All the DT cards are awesome and such wonderful inspiration. I loved the challenge this time. I like making masculine cards--it's such a challenge to make sure there's nothing fru-fru on it ;)
Have a great day!!! ~Hugs, Cheryl

Tammy E. said...

Thanks for a great challenge. Guy cards are so hard to make!

Card Crazy said...

I hope this qualifies as a Male card! I'm in serious trouble if it's not!
Sue S.

♥Gemma♥ said...

Stunning DT cards & thanks for a fantastic challenge :D
hugs and xxx

Stephanie aka Nerdette said...

What a fun challenge. I always struggle with male themed crafts, so thanks for pushing me out of my comfort zone.

Susan said...

superb examples! this is my first time here :)

Jen Carvajal said...

Just found your blog :)
this was a fun challenge with great cards from your design team! I can't wait to see what's next! Thanks!

Audrey Ernst (hippieaud) said...

Awesome DT work as always! Thanks for the chance to play:)

Chrissy said...

Great challenge. love male cards, gave me the push to do my Dads card for Sunday...


Cheri said...

Great DT inspiration. Loved playing along....yet, I clicked too quickly and posted #108 without the correct post. Is there any way it can be deleted? I've posted the correct post at #109. So very sorry for the error.

Robyn Oliver said...

Great timing with this challenge as it's hubby's birthday next weekend. I had fun, thanks

Jocelyn aka JoBear2 said...

Loved this challenge! It's been great to see everyone's masculine cards as we all KNOW how hard they are, don't we LOL?!!! ;-) Fantastic DT cards - thanks for the inspiration.

Just linked my card up to #130 - TIA for peeking :-)


Robyn Oliver said...

Sorry ladies just posted my card in the wrong challenge

Anonymous said...

It was funny sketches cards, Especially i like the horse sketching.......I was trying to make this one,thanks for inspiration!!!!!
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